Pet Sitting
(Dogs and Cats)

If you are out of town and you don’t want to board your dog/cat because they will feel better in their own environment, you can count on us to make a visit to feed, play, walk and scratch their butts.

The visit includes feeding, fresh water, playtime, belly rubs, butt scratches, lap time (whatever your dog/cat likes), cleaning up their litter box, watering your plants, alternating lights, picking up the mail and real time online reports with photos and videos of your dog/cat’s activities to give you peace of mind while you are away.




30 Minutes – Dog Sitting / Cat Sitting

$32 per walk/visit

60 Minutes – Dog Sitting / Cat Sitting

$52 per walk/visit

Additional dog: $10 per walk/visit

 Full payment (non-refundable) will be collected one (1) week  before the scheduled service